The 4-H Chick Chain project allows 4th-12th grade 4-H’ers to gain skills in responsibility and management by raising baby chicks into layer hens. The Chick Chain project is for 4-H members who have…
The 4-H Chick Chain project allows 4th-12th grade 4-H’ers to gain skills in responsibility and management by raising baby chicks into layer hens. The Chick Chain project is for 4-H members who have…
The 4-H Chick Chain project allows 4th-12th grade 4-H’ers to gain skills in responsibility and management by raising baby chicks into layer hens. The Chick Chain project is for 4-H members who have…
The Smith County 4-H Chick Chain Show & Sale on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, was the culmination of over six months of hard work for 23 Smith County 4-H’ers who…
We hope you can join us at the Annual Smith County 4-H Poultry Show & Sale on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. at the Smith County Ag Center.…
The 4-H Chick Chain project allows 4th-12th grade 4-H’ers to gain skills in responsibility and management by raising baby chicks into layer hens. The Chick Chain project is for 4-H members who have…
Each spring, 4-H members in Smith County have the opportunity to become involved in the 4-H Chick Chain. This activity allows 4-H’ers to receive one-day-old baby chicks to raise. The…
We have some good news for you! The statewide ban on poultry shows, sales, and exhibitions has been lifted by the state veterinarian, so we will be able to host…
Orders for the 2022 4-H Chick Chain have now closed. We expect that the chicks will arrive in early April. Stay tuned for details about the Poultry Show & Sale…