The average person puts on some extra pounds in the weeks between the Thanksgiving holiday and the New Year. Unfortunately, weight gained in this short period may take six months or more to lose, and if you had already been trying to shed a few pounds, putting on that holiday weight can really give you the blues.
Take heart. Adding pounds during the holidays is not inevitable. You can enjoy your holiday meals and still face that scale with pride by the New Year. One way you can do that is by moving your resolution date up two months and making a November Resolution to “Maintain, Don’t Gain” this holiday season.
If you’re ready to take the Maintain, Don’t Gain pledge, register for the free Maintain, Don’t Gain Healthy Holiday Challenge now through November 12 at https://mdg21.questionpro.com. Join me and UT Extension as we embark on a healthy holiday journey!
The Maintain, Don’t Gain Healthy Holiday Challenge begins November 21st and runs through January 9th. The challenge offers tips about how you can prevent weight gain and stay fit during the busy holiday season. Each week during the challenge, you will receive one email message that will help you to survive and thrive in spite of all the temptations to overeat and be inactive.
Participants also get free opportunities at Smith County Fitness Center and select fitness centers in Wilson County during the challenge just for signing up. The free opportunities end Jan. 9th.
For more information on free fitness opportunities associated with the Maintain, Don’t Gain Healthy Holiday Challenge or any other questions, contact Mary Draper, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension agent for UT Extension in Smith County. Mary may be reached at mparke33@utk.edu.