Smith County 4-H’ers Compete in Hippology Contest

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Gabe Harville, Kynlee Davis, Turner Harville, and Tana Harville competed in the Central Region Hippology Contest held at Cumberland University on Saturday, January 22, 2022.

The Hippology Contest allows 4-H youth to demonstrate skills they have learned in equine science, horse judging, identification of horse-related tack, feeds, health, anatomy, and equipment. In Hippology, 4-H members are given a written exam, identification slides, and must judge two horse judging classes.

Turner placed 10th in the Junior High Division and Gabe placed 9th in the Senior High Division. We are so proud of how well these young people represented Smith County 4-H!

If you would like more information on how to participate in Hippology or any other 4-H activities, contact the UT Extension office at 615-735-2900.

L to R: Gabe Harville, Kynlee Davis, Turner Harville, and Tana Harville