The 4-H Chick Chain project allows 4th-12th grade 4-H’ers to gain skills in responsibility and management by raising baby chicks into layer hens.
The Chick Chain project is for 4-H members who have a place to raise and care for chickens at their home. Participating 4-H’ers must purchase either 12 or 24 baby chicks to raise. By purchasing chicks through Chick Chain, the 4-H’er is also agreeing to exhibit and sell at least 3 hens at the 4-H Chick Chain Show and Sale in the fall. The money from the sale of the birds will be given directly to the 4-H’er from the buyer.
Black Australorp and Buff Orpington are the breeds available to purchase this year. 4-H’ers may purchase 12 chicks of one breed for $40 or 24 chicks for $80. If ordering 24 chicks, 4-H’ers may order 24 of one breed or 12 of each breed.
Click here to download this year’s informational brochure and registration form.
For more information about the 4-H Chick Chain project, contact Rachel Petty at 615-735-2900 or email rpetty@utk.edu.
Chick Chain orders are due to the Smith County UT Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14, 2025.
Please bring or mail your and payment to:
UT Extension Smith County
67 Cookeville Highway, Suite 102
Carthage, TN 37030
You can find more information about Growing Blue Ribbon Pullets in this UT Extension publication.