The Smith County 4-H Chick Chain Show & Sale on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, was the culmination of over six months of hard work for 23 Smith County 4-H’ers who completed this year’s Chick Chain project.
Through the 4-H Chick Chain, each participating 4-H’er received either 12 or 24 one-day-old baby chicks in April and was responsible for feeding and caring for the chicks throughout the spring and summer, ultimately raising them to become the outstanding laying hens that were brought to our show. This year, each 4-H’er raised either Black Star or Red Star chickens.
We were proud of all of the birds that were brought to the show, but two pens deserved special recognition. Abby Malone received the Grand Champion award, and Everett West was awarded Reserve Champion.
At the conclusion of our show, each pen of birds was auctioned off to an eager crowd of buyers.
We want to say a special thank you to our judge, UT Extension Agent Trent Jones, and to our auctioneer, Jason Martin, who both gave their time and talents to make the Chick Chain show successful. Thank you also to Mike Sircy with Smith Farmers CO-OP, who purchased almost every single pen of birds and then donated them back to benefit our 4-H’ers.
This event would not be possible without our hardworking 4-H’ers and their families as well as the community supporters that attend this event, purchase birds, and help to make it a success year after year.
We are so proud of all the hard work that each 4-H’er put into this year’s Chick Chain project!
For further information regarding the 4-H Chick Chain or any other opportunities that 4-H has to offer the youth in Smith County, call 615-735-2900.

4-H Chick Chain Reserve Champion Everett West and Grand Champion Abby Malone pose with their trophies.