Orders for the 2022 4-H Chick Chain have now closed. We expect that the chicks will arrive in early April. Stay tuned for details about the Poultry Show & Sale this fall!
The 4-H Chick Chain project allows 4th-12th grade 4-H’ers to gain skills in responsibility and management by raising baby chicks into layer hens. 4-H members who sign a contract for this project will receive a minimum of 12 two-day-old chicks to raise in the spring. The cost is $3 per bird. Three quality pullets will be returned to the County Poultry Show and Sale this fall.
Barred Rock and Buff Orpington are the breeds available to purchase this year. You must purchase at least 7 of one breed.
For more information contact Katie Martin at 615-735-2900 or email kclark54@utk.edu.
The deadline to order chicks is Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
Click here to download this year’s informational brochure and registration form.
Please bring or mail your and payment to:
UT Extension Smith County
125 Gordonsville Highway, Suite 300
Carthage, TN 37030
You can find more information about Growing Blue Ribbon Pullets in this UT Extension publication.